3D line drawings, exploded views and cut away views of products are created as technical illustrations for product assembly instructions and installation or operator manuals as well as for patent illustration.

Primarily for businesses in the manufacturing sector that produce products or items that require assembly by or operator instructions for the end user. Virtual Showrooms is able to produce accurate and detailed 3D drawings and exploded views of products ideal for assembly instruction sheets or operator manuals. 

Utilising CAD software, the drawings can include muliple views of a product in various stages of assembly showing the assembly procedure in accurately drawn detail thereby simplfying the assembly process for the end user.

The drawings can also be exported to a variety of common publishing formats for supply to a businesses existing DTP provider or Virtual Showrooms can create the finished document ready for printing.

Thousands of Technical illustrations have also been produced over the years specifically for Patent application illustration where strict requirements as to the layout and format of drawings are specified. Furthermore our extensive work in producing Patent drawings means we are fully aware of and fully respect the need for  confidentiality with regards to Patent work.       

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