Treadsafe Safety Footwear

Web site designed for Treadsafe distributors of safety footwear to display their range of safety footwear and workwear products as well as promote the company to new potential customers.

The site needed to be easily updatable by the client themselves enabling them to add new products and update existing products. To expose the client to new potential customers the site would need to rank high in the search results for a wide range of search terms thereby exposing the clients web site to anyone searching for safety footwear and related products.



Treadsafe cc is a specialist distributor of safety footwear and workwear, distributing a sizable range of leading brands. The function of the site is twofold, firstly it is required to function as a comprehensive online catalogue of the many products that they supply and secondly its function is to build the Treadsafe brand and attract new customers. The site is fully database driven with all company, brand and product data stored in a database for display on demand. Being a highly brand driven business the primary focus is on displaying products grouped by brand. This achieved by classifying products firstly according to brand and displaying them on brand specific pages along with brand related info. In addition each product is classified according to numerous other categories and criteria enabling complex searching and cross referencing of products allowing a user to quickly find the most suitable products. Context sensitive FAQ that allow each FAQ to be linked to a particular Brand or product. Almost all site content can be easily added to and updated by Treadsafe and adding a new Make/Brand or product is simple. The site features a password protected administration section enabling instant updating and adding of new information and images. Innovative features include 'active browsing' that enables the content manager to browse the site and easily edit information by simply clicking on 'edit links' that are only visible when browsing in 'active' mode. When clicking an 'edit link' the user is taken straight to the data editing form where changes can be made, upon submit the user is returned instantly to the page to view the changes as the visitor will see them.


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